
How long it takes for an employer to check if social security number is yours?

by Guest66844  |  earlier

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im applying for a job, and they're making a background check on me or something that involves them checking if the s.s. number and card i gave them is mine, so does anyone know how long that takes?




  1. Less than 30 minutes. Either by using SS or by using ChoicePoint.

    *Poster below me must not work in a PIP Investigation Team of a large car/home insurance company.

  2. It depends where you are applying for a job. If the company you are applying for a job does back ground checks most likey you will be found out.   If you apply at a city, state, federal, banks and large companies you will be caught right away.  If you make up a social security number and that person may be receiving unemployment, social security or disability benifits it can take up two weeks.   If you apply at a small company it can take up to six months, because of the quarterly state forms reporting require name, social security and amount earned. You may never be found out if the company you apply at have ineffecient employees.  

    It is against the law to uses someone elses social security number.  You can be fined, jailed or both.  Wish you the best.

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