
How long- milksnakes?

by Guest63145  |  earlier

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ok well I was thinking about MAYBE investing in a milksnake. How long do they grow, and how big of a tank do they need?




  1. There are many different subspecies of milksnakes, and the lengths can vary. Some of the more popular species are Pueblans, Hondurans, Nelson's, and Sinaloans, among others. Most species grow 2 to 3 feet in length. Hondurans are the biggest by far and can grow up to six feet. They are also one of the nicest looking, especially the hypo tangerines.

    Apricot Pueblans are real nice too and grow about 2 1/2 feet long. I just had some apricot Pueblans hatch yesterday. I would say all milksnakes except for Hondos can live in a 20 gallon long aquarium their whole life. Hondurans would probably need a 40 or maybe even 55 gallon. I've found milksnakes to be pretty frisky and hard to hold, but can calm down after alot of handling and patience. They usually have good appetites. They're very cool snakes!

  2. length i have no clue but for a tank i would guess at least a 40 gal to b comfortable. u can never go too big b/c u have to remeber these things use to live in the wild

  3. an adult would be fine in a 40 gallon tank.

    this is good info on milks

  4. milks can be in between 3-6 feet in length. 30 gallon aquarium would make a milksnake comfortable.

  5. Milk snakes average 25-30 inches in length.
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