
How long must I keep my doves in for?

by  |  earlier

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I have just purchased a pair of fantail doves for my garden, they were in a dovecote until I discovered a cat had climbed up the pole and was sitting on the outside flight!. they are now going to be homed in a house attached to my house. How long should I keep them penned in for after having being disturbed like this?.

They were in the dovecote for one week.

Thanks in advance.




  1. homing "PIDGIONS" need to be homed for three weeks, Doves are tamer so Id say two - three weeks should be enough.

  2. You will be lucky.

  3. FIRST &  FOREMOST,.....Get that cat outta there! Big NO-NO!  Cat's kill more birds each year (Pigeons Included) than any other predator in our  quiet suburban city neighborhoods.

    They should be given @ Minimum 3 Weeks, Provided they have a good view of the garden area you'll be letting them out into. You could slowly start in the second week but only if you do it early evening..say about the last hour of the day--before the sun sets! To do this open the door & gradually let them come out on their own & explore right outside the doorway, close to their home. Be Cautiouse that nothing scares them up into a panic @ this time tho, cuz it'll be hard to get them to come back down & in. Maybe you should gradually coax 'em outside the door in the evening with a sprinkling of food or you could just let ONE bird out @ a time, being sure that the other is inside the house in full view for the one outside to be able to see it. Gradually it'll work out & they'll come to know their home .! Good Luck with them.

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