
How long must i suffer?

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dear lord how long must i suffer?




  1. As long as you without suffering is not a life worth living....if you don't suffer in life you will never know the true meaning of happiness....only suffering will make you realize the true value and joy of happiness......and trust me on this, you are not alone. everybody suffers. rich, poor, beautiful, doesn't matter...they all suffer in their own way..........just keep in mind, that this life is nothing more than a test, God has put us on this earth to test is all a big game and test...and whoever passes the test wins his ticket to heaven....

  2. I'm sorry, I don't know what you are suffering so I can't help you, otherwise I would try my hardest.

  3. only for as long as you desire to.

    if it surprises you that suffering is a choice ,then you're not done.

    life is full of pain.suffering is identifying with that pain.

    pain is your friend,

    its saying to you."something is not right". or "its time to change"

    suffering is refusing to listen to that voice.

    peace ><>

  4.   In the book of Jobe in the bible  it says" man is born into trouble as the sparks flyety upward"

  5. not that quite long honey. Look under your feet little creatures you are actually crushing everyday but can you hear them crying and complaining. Everyday has a new dawn. Be thankful enough for you are breathing and have a heart to give. Be tender honey. for yourself. God bless

  6. what?

  7. change your situation, only you can change what happens to you

    if your suffering from depression this might be why you are feeling like you are suffering, but remember its all in you head if this is the case, and therefore you may need professional help.

    Reach out! theres always help in the darkest of places

    heres a helpful link

    dont let it get you down again, fight it!! its NOT a worthless battle!

  8. One must suffer until the finally realizes the true cause of their suffering and, after having realized the same, then realize how to end their suffering.

    As a part of this process, one will have attained knowledge of who that one really is and the true nature of existence.

    One will have also found his or her answers within themselves rather than having said answers supposedly supplied by someone or something else.

    First, learn to breathe and calm your mind...

    So the journey begins.

    Be well.

  9. as long as you need to to change your point of view and let it go and forgive and trust again!

    there is a reason to your suffering!  once it stops you'll see why!

  10. pain is to endure .... this is live and as long as u live this is how is going to be that's not me telling to kill ursefl(ur will suffer even more in h**l  if u kill urself)  just to continue eventually u will surpass the pain then u will live happy and then comes a different pain..God said that in this world u will suffer..

  11. A wise man and a foolish man sat on the edge of a clover field when the foolish man noticed that two rabbits were being chased by a fox.  The fox caught one of the rabbits, killed it, and took the rabbit away.  The foolish man than said to the wise man, "Look at the fox.  He is quite a ferocious beast".  The wise man replied, "Only from the perspective of the rabbit."  Then the second rabbit, which had survived the chase, began to eat some clover.  The foolish man said "Look at the rabbit.  He is quite a peaceful creature, much more peaceful than the fox."  The wise man replied, "Not from the perspective of the clover."

    The point is: good and evil, pleasure and pain, hope and despair, happiness and misery... these things can only be understood relative to their opposites.  I am sorry to hear that you are suffering, but do not forget that when your suffering is finally over, you will be able to experience joy that none of us can even imagine because you alone will know how bad things can get.  Suffering is a gift with great rewards if only we are strong enough to survive it.


  13. For as long as you rely on an outside source to help you.  

  14. Sometimes suffering is a choice. Other times,it is not. Ask yourself wheterh you have the ability to let go of what is causeing you distress. It is physical? or is it emotional? If you are enduring physical pain, it may seem as if you are being punished in some way. Have you taken all of the practical measures to relieve your pain? Consider meditation.

    If your pain is emotional, there is a choice involved. Can you forgive the person who is involved? Can you forgive yourself? Is there a choice you can make to let go of blame? If your suffering is casued by general unhappiness, remember that Happiness, too is a choice. If savoring the tates of a banana makes you happy, then do so. When you focus your attention on the little things that caues you pain, you miss out on the other, really important stuff all around you--Like the sun rise, and the sun set. Like the butterflies that are present all around , and the dragonflies, and the kittens. You see? Consider if a change in focus might help you overcome, or possibly let go of your suffering. Even if your pain is phsical, a shift in what you are giving your attention to can make all of the difference. I Know, I've made the change, and it has made all the difference.

  15. till you pay back the karma you took by doing what you did!

  16. until you change your perspective

    and not see it as suffering but as a blessing  

  17. It depends.  If you are suffering for a righteous cause then it could be a long or short time.  But if your suffering is caused by you, it could be over very quickly if you take the courageous steps to do the right thing.

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