
How long ............?

by Guest61278  |  earlier

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... do you let your man play a video game for, before you get pissed off?

mine has no job, due to immigration, and sits on it for hours a day and then moans at me when i get pissed off saying its not a big deal, hes bored

any advice before he's buried beneath the back porch?




  1. wow, you have a winner !

    tlk to him set ground rules and get him moving !

  2. Hello! This is my pet pieve. It is nearly impossible to carry on a conversation when men are doing this. I hate it! But there is not much you can do to stop it. For some reason it's funner than giving a woman attention.

  3. move away from the shovel... that's it... put it down... breath....


    tell him it's not fair. tell him to get a job, lots of people do it even if they don't have documents

  4. *LOL* Don't kill him, prison would be a bad thing.

    I generally don't have a problem with it, but that's only because he plays games while I'm on the computer or if I'm reading. I DO make him turn the sound way down though.

    Maybe you can ask him to get his playing out of the way before you get home?

  5. Distract him with some good lovin!

    Maybe this is his way of finding something fun to do in the day.

  6. wait until he goes to bed and "break" it.
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