
How long shoud a 20 mile bike trip take a person?

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I found a bike path to work that would consist of 90 traffic free riding along a canal.

My bike is a $400 dollar mountain bike, and the path would mostly be dirt road and i am semi athletic

How long would this bike ride take me to get to work?




  1. i ride 4.3 miles mostly uphill to school and it takes me 20 minutes.  if your route is relatively flat i would say aroundan hour if you pedal non-stop.  i have doen 20 mile trips 10 out and 10 in and they take me about 2 hours but we usually stop for a bite to eat, and it is kind of hilly not bad rolling mostly with one bad hill but there is a downholl both ways top make up for it..  i am not in the best of shape i sometimes get winded walking up stairs and i still maike it just fine. i would consider a change of **** and some deodorant especially in the summer months.  try it once do it on a weekend or give yorself the 3 hour limit and see if it sucks dont do it again

  2. 20 miles each way or round trip? For an average rider, 20 miles is pushing it, 10 is very doable.

    Here in DC we have the C&O canal towpath. It's dirt and flat as a board. It's wonderful for recreational rides but no one commutes on it. In fact there is a parallel paved bike path for a large portion of the ride. Dirt trails suck to commute on. The bumpiness gets to you, the traction is always shaky and when the weather is bad it's messy and treacherous.

    I commute every day and I find most commuters shoot for a 13-16 mph average pace. You probably won't get that on a dirt trail, even one that is flat as a canal.

  3. You have to know how fast you are going if, any where from 3-3 and a half hr.

  4. if your going like 10 mph it will take like 3 hours.

  5. Under similar conditions, with similar equipment, my 17 mile commute takes less than an hour.   Wind direction and speed accounts for most of the variation.

    I'm 55, but in decent shape.

  6. i ride like 6.5 miles to work estimate time is about 35 to 40 minutes

  7. well ive been riding to work lately, and its about 7-8 miles away and it takes me 30 minutes im guessing 1.5 hours, cause of breaks and stuff

  8. Well, there's no exactly "average" person - because terrain, weather, bike & fitness come into the equation .

    The only way you can really find out, is to test it out first to see what the path is like & how well the bike and/or body finds it. It'll be a good excuse for a weekend  bike-ride.

    You don't need to ride it particulary fast, but  at a steady pace - you're commuting, not racing.

    And you could always try multi-mode transport as well  - drive part way & ride the rest.

    Remember, cycling is supposed to be fun, so ride at a pace that suits you.

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