
How long should 9 week old baby nurse?

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My 9 wk old baby girl has been nursing for only 5 minutes at a time for the last 3 days...after she got her shots. How much is she getting in 5 minutes. She eats well for that time and swallows good and then she just stops...whether she's awake or asleep. Tomorrow is Sunday, but I'm taking her to the doctor to have her checked out. Up until her shots, she had been eating anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes at a time and gaining weight very well...was 12 lbs 11 oz at 2 month check up.




  1. i had the same question too when my baby was on his early months... he only nurse 8mins each time. and i been reading to nurse baby 15mins 1side then another side 15mins... my baby never nurse another side!! :D but he has been at a bigger size and now he is coming 9months old. still doing the same but im not worry bcos he is doing very good eventhough he only nurse tat short repiod. so dont worry as long as the check up is good n she is active, gainin weight good! good luck

  2. time of nursing does not matter unless her weight is propotionate to her age. main thing is she is active or not.

  3. A sudden decrease in apatite is not generally a good sign. But it is normal for a baby to not feel good after their shots, and when they do not feel good, they do not eat well. You might try giving her Tylenol tomorrow and see if she eats any better. Either way, she will probably be improving rapidly. If you are still concerned, call you pediatrician Monday or Tuesday. Unless you see something else that concerns you, I would not make a trip to the ER, I would just call the doctor Monday.

    But as always, if something suddenly gets worse or starts to scare you, go to ER.

  4. Count her wet diapers.  6 wet diapers per day plus around 4 wet stools a day.  Check every hour or so to make sure you count wet diapers accurately.  If she is doing this, she is getting enough.

    Her immune system is still developing and pumping all those shots into her can be harmful.  You may want to research delaying some shots or spreading them out or eliminating them altogether.  This is a personal decision, however, and one must diligently research to make an informed decision.  I get a lot of slack for saying this, but I find that most people give their opinions on this with very little knowledge.  All I suggest is that people LOOK INTO IT AND MAKE AN INFORMED DECISION.

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