
How long should I carry homeowners insurance after foreclosure starts?

by  |  earlier

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Foreclosure has started, getting ready to move now, how long am I liable for the home?




  1. call the bank where u have the mortgage & ask them this cuz they will tell u how long u have to have this insurance.  i think that when u leave then u can let them know that date so u will be reimbursed so good luck.

  2. Until some other entity assumes ownership.

  3. until your name is off the mortgage.  dont take that chance.

  4. You are responsible for all property damage & liability until the day the deed is changed to someone else's name or the bank's name.  Then & only then should you cancel the homeowners insurance.  

    Be advised, there is probably a vacancy clause in the homeowners policy.  The standard clause is 30 days after the house becomes vacant (unfurnished - one chair does not make a house furnished & no one living there), there is no longer an vandalism coverage.

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