
How long should I cook raw beetroot.

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So I can pickle it after.

Also it is home grown.Thanks.




  1. I would cook it for around 20 to 30 mins.well done for growing them.

  2. Un till it is cooked.

  3. I cook my beetroot in a pressure cooker for fifteen minutes.and I like them with or without viniger which I add some brown suger to take the acid taste out of the viniger. Alex

  4. until its fork tender. at 350 oven about 45 minutes. wrap with foil to prevent the beets from 'bleeding'

  5. I am a former chef and just top them and boil/simmer them in salted water until a small knife will insert easily, it can take as the one person said 30-40 minutes depending on the size and how hard they were, cutting them in half will speed up the process.

    I jar mine after peeling and make a pickle with cider vinegar, brown sugar, bay leaves, peppercorns a bit of fresh dill or dill weed and salt just enough so when you taste the pickle it tastes a bit salty, remember beets/beetroots (I am from Canada) are like potatos the absorb flavours so you want it all the way through.

  6. First cut the leafy part and the root part off so that you have just the beet.

    Then rinse it under running water.

    Place it in a pot with boiling water and cover. Turn down heat until it simmers.

    To check if it is ready, do this test....

    When the skin comes off by simply rubbing over the beet with you hand, then the beets are ready and cooked.

    Now remove beets, get rid of the skins by rubbing over them with your hand, (you may want to wait until the beets are cool for this step).....

    hen cut or grate the beets as you like it.

    Pack in sterile bottles alternating spoon fulls with sliced onion and sugar until the jar is full.

    Cover with grape vinegar and seal jar tightly, making sure that there is no air bubble.

    Good luck

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