
How long should I expect my 5-year old to sit quietly? Should he be expected to sit through church? A movie?

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I am asked to participate in religious functions, but my child cannot sit still for the 2 hours required. I fee like I have to choose between letting my child get up out of his seat and dealing with the comments about how I need to train him to sit still. Any suggestions?




  1. I cannot sit still for more than 15 minutes. I am 11! But that is just me. Do a test run. Warn the activities people on what ur doing, take him, see what he does. Then you'll know for sure.

  2. Most churches have a special "children's church" program for exactly this reason. The parents listen to the preacher and the kids are in a separate part of the church doing crafts and other activities. You should check to see if the churches people are asking you to go to have this sort of thing.

  3. 2 hours is an awful long time for a 5 year old to be expected to keep still.  That others would make rude comments about him not keeping still for 2 hours is utterly ridiculous.  Bring stuff to keep him occupied, crayons, silent toys.  But the best bet is either to get a babysitter for him during those times or if any of the other parents attending your religious functions have older kids, have the older kids watch the younger ones.

  4. Don't put your child through 2 hours of religious functions!.

    Only a robot or a child terrified of stepping out of line could cope with that. What a drag.

    My 5 year old can sit through the long Cars film (yawn!), no problem. But I wouldn't expect him to sit still and quietly for such a long time at such a adult situation - how boring for him.

    Find either someone to babysit or see if he can go for a playdate- much more fun for him and you both will be glad you did.

  5. If you think about it...could you sit on a bench with legs dangling staring at the back of a pew for 2 hours? I know I couldn't.  God doesn't want "only the quiet" children in His house. He want's ALL children in His house. I also have a 5 yr old and she loves to play with princess magnets or draw during church.  Our church lasts one hour and that is her max.

  6. A five year old has about a twenty minute attention span. If he must sit quietly in church then he needs a bag with things to do in it like books or paper and pencil to draw. Usually the first half of the service is music so he should be able to participate with that and then during the sermon he could read his own books or draw and color. He could even have small toys like hot wheel cars or little figures to entertain himself with.

  7. I think two hours of a religious function aimed at adults is far too long to expect a five year old to sit still and quiet. Doesn't your church have any sort of family services? Sunday school? A creche? A quiet corner at the back where kids can sit and colour or do a jigsaw? What do other parents do with their kids?

    A movie - it would depend on the movie. If it's age appropriate and he's enjoying it, it shouldn't a be problem for a five year old. If not, why did you take him?

    I used to take my five year old to our church services, but I chose the ones without communion (so 45 minutes long, not anything LIKE two hours) and I used to take a jigsaw puzzle book so during the sermon she sat on the floor in her place and played silently with it. Those were the rules. If she misbehaved, she didn't get to come to church (and she actively enjoyed singing hymns).

    Your child does need to sit reasonably still and quiet in church, unless it's a service advertised as being intended for families. It's not fair to expect people to worship while kids make racket up and down the aisles.

  8. I think two hours is too long to expect a five year old to sit still and be quiet. My church has a nursery for younger children and even children's church for older children who may not have the attention span to sit through adult services. If your church does not have a nursery, maybe you could suggest it.

  9. When I was 5 my mom brought books and snacks to church so i would be quite. Also I think they should be able to sit though a movie..I hope this helped!


  10. When mine were that age, I let them draw pictures and eat cheerios, but onyl after they had sit still as long as they could stand it.

    It's not just a "religious function"- if you're taking them there, it's to learn about

    for as long as possible, they should be trained to pay attention, and it will not happen overnight.

    If the pastor throws the microphone at you and tells you to put the coloring book away, I guess find another church.

  11. 15-30 might be the max for quiet time so learn to accomodate the development of your child.  rent movies and watch at home, put the child in a Sunday School program, and relax -your child is normal, so don't punish.  reward the positive behaviors!

  12. church,no way dont even try

    movies will entrance little kids and they will sit still cuz they are concentrating on another thing

  13. My nephew is two years old and he sits through church which is from 8 in the morning til 2 in the afternoon so its just a matter of what you do. My mom tells him to sit still and he will. he has been doing this since he was a year old and he is only getting better. but if your kid can't sit still during church then there is no problem letting him get up. Forget the other parents there kids have probably done worse. You could even bring him some quiet activities for him to do in the seat while your doing your thing

  14. if you are asked to participate, isn't there someone to take your child to another room and play a game or something? I think that 2 hours would be too long to expect a child to just sit there without anything to do.

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