
How long should I have pain after having a tooth pulled?

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I had a molar pulled on the top left of my mouth on Thursday. It is now Monday and I am still in pain. I have two stitches, but I really didn't think that I should still be hurting. Anyone else had this happen?




  1. I have worked in a dental office for a long time. When you have a tooth pulled it could be sore for a week or so. If you are having a lot of pain then you should call the dentist. Remenber that everyone heals at a different rate. you should have another appointment soon to have the sutures removed.  

  2. The first thing I need to know is... did you call your dentist?

    Every person has a different threshold for pain. Some people can take a tremendous amount of pain and another person thinks that a splinter is excruciating!

    If you are still have a tremendous amount of pain the area should be checked by the dentist that did the extraction. There is always the chance that you are having a complication that requires additional attention from your dentist.

    Give your dentist a call immediately.

    Good luck.

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