My son started REALLY playing video games when he was 18 months old. When I mean 'really' playing I mean actually playing the game knowing how to play it. His first game was a race car game on Xbox. Now he's four and plays all sorts of games (of course only rated E, though I think Star Wars and Superman are rated T for Teen).
Right now, during the day, he's only allowed to play while his younger brother is napping (which is about an hour and half) and sometimes in the evening with his father or if he is a big helper at clean up time or helping make dinner. And at those times it's only for about and hour or 2 at most. He used to throw fits when we turned off the Xbox or his DS but now when we tell him it's time to turn it off, he happily obliges.
When I look back on the day, he might have 4 hours total of Video Game Play. Is that too much for a 4 year old?