
How long should I microwave ramon noodles?

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I was thinking close to three minutes, but I want to microwave them long enough so the water boils.




  1. depending on your microwave it is about 3 minutes but try to turn over the noodles in the middle of the 3 minutes for even cooking  

  2. I do mine for 3 min and 30 seconds... Eat up yum yum yum.

  3. its 3 minutes in the microwave. but you can boil your water and use that for the noodles, but you have to wait till the noodles are ready to eat. you can go for 3 minutes and 30 seconds.  

  4. 5 minuits been doig it for years

  5. The water doesn't really have to boil.  I microwave mine for three minutes.  But it depends on your microwave.  Make sure they are completely covered in water.  

    I would say cook three minutes and then if you don't like the texture cook at 1 min intervals until done to your liking...

  6. I do mine like 4 mins

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