
How long should I study for the LSAT?? Is it possible to study to much?

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I am planning on taking the LSAT in October and want to start preparing now, but I'm reading its possible to study to much. I have one shot to get the highest score I can, so I want to be as prepared as possible.




  1. It is possible to study too hard, but only if you try to cram it all into the last few weeks, 12 hours a day every day. If you start now, and space your studying out--several hours a day, with a day off here and there--then you will be fine.

    If you take a course, that will schedule your prep into something reasonably manageable. On the other hand, if you self study, you just need to set a schedule now and stick to it. Read a bunch of books and take as many real LSATs as possible.

    Good luck!

  2. Well, I took a couple of books out of the library (ARCO Master the LSAT 2001 and Princeton Review 2000), read a little of their advice, which I thought was pretty basic and lame, then sat on them for months. The day before the test I took a timed practice exam. I am a good example of what NOT to do in order to feel confident about your score.

    Luckily, I scored highly anyway but I could have done much better if I had put some time in, I'm sure.

  3. it depends dont cram 2 days before the test study for 1 to 2 hous a day and stay calm you will pas wit flying colors i got into harvard doing that

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