
How long should I wait before talking to my landlord about a problem in my apartment?

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I live in an apartment complex and there has been so many problems with everyone's air conditioning this summer. About a month ago the air conditioner from the people who live directly above me started leaking so bad that it caused the paint to peel off my wall. Then there was a leak in my bathroom from the ceiling and it caused a huge puddle on the floor. Next thing I know MY air conditioner started leaking and got my rug soaked. I was beyond pissed and it seemed like I was calling my landlord every day about a different problem. But I didn't get an attitude with her or anything and I have been very paitent while she said this is happening with everyone and it will get fixed. She said there's gonna be one day where the guys come in and paint everyone's apartment where the paint had been pealing off. However, she didn't say when that day was. My bathroom and carpet are fixed but my wall looks like sh*t with all the pealed off paint. So I'm wondering how long I should wait before complaining. Or should I even complain at all or be paitent? I feel like this is getting rediculous. What should I do?




  1. Regarding this issue, Foxyrock is right on the money.

  2. you should list all the faults.. and talk to him in person as soon  as possible and also let him view for himself the things that are wrong.. let him into the flat show him everything give him a copy of the list and ask him when he can fix this..  the most urgent things first.. like a leaking ceiling that has priority.. no wonder the paint comes off. there is a leak in the roof. or the wall. that has to be fixed asap so you talk to him asap.. and that has priority.  the other problems he needs to fix as well. otherwise you can tell him you will not pay full rent but you need to let him know about the things that are wrong if he doesn't know about them he can't do anything.. so pressure him into fixing these things... and give him a time limit in which the most important faults have to be fixed otherwise get some legal advice if you can pay only half the rent money as this place is not up to living standard.. so you should only pay what it's worth and it's in his interest to fix it asap because nobody else will rent this place either if he does not put effort into fixing it soon.. it will only get worse.. with the rain getting in.. xx

  3. You can't be laid back about this. In my experience, landlords will try to s***w you over at every turn. Maybe she seems nicer than that? Well when it comes to money, people change. You should definitely say something. Take pictures of all the things that are going wrong and date them. Also, keep a written journal of every time you talk to her and what happened. And even if it gets fixed, how long it takes. You don't have to be super forceful or even get an attitude, but just keep records. That way if it gets out of control, and you need to move, you can prove that she was neglectful of the building. You can actually break your lease if the landlord doesn't hold up her end of it. Look at your lease and see what it says she has to keep up with. Air conditioning is probably not on it. But paint peeling off the walls, can be a health issue and is probably covered. Not to mention leaking water can cause mold, and that's a whole new problem. When you talk to her, show her the lease where it says she has to keep up with that stuff, so she cant argue with you. If it gets fixed, great, but if not, at least you'll be covered with your written account of things. Believe me, I've done this before!

  4. Tell them right away! It's only fair, since you paid the rent to live in a descent place. They also might not be aware of the problem, I would suggest approaching the issue directly, but do it in a non-aggressive  manner to inform them. If you wait out the problem will only get worse.

  5. You were correct to tell her about these problems.  If something has to deal with leaking water, call the landlord IMMEDIATELY.  You can always call and ask her when she thinks the painter will be there so you have the place tidied up and you are proper (meaning not standing in the middle of the living room naked).

  6. Ask her for a date when it will get fixed, make it sound like you've been busy but you will set aside the time if someone will be there at a specific time or date. There is nothing wrong with asking, especially if you're renting, the water damage could lead to rotting or mold, you do not want to be held responsible for that.

  7. politely say to her. " so when is my apartment going to be fixed? tell her you have company coming on ----- whatever day of whatever month and would like to know it will be fixed before then.

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