
How long should I wait before testing?

by Guest63680  |  earlier

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At the moment I'm three days late for my period...I don't want to test too early. How long should I wait before I test to be most likely to get a positive result (if I'm pregnant, obviously)? I've heard that testing too early can alter the effectiveness of the test.

Thanks for your help =)




  1. 3 days is long enough.  You can try one of those first response test.  

  2. If you're 3 days late it should be accurate. Good luck and let us all know how it turns out!

  3. you should be able to get a accurate answer now as your 3 days late, do you have any of there symptoms?

  4. its just the right time to test,. you could also check for pregnancy symptoms at

  5. if you take the test say 3 days before your missed period and get a positive and then get your hopes up, you may be setting yourself up for disappointment because most pregnancies are lost within the very early stages before you even know you're pregnant. that's why all pregnancy tests want you to take the test the day after your missed period... which gives you the best results. if you are 3 days past... you will definitely get an accurate reading. good luck!

  6. You should be able to test now for an accurate result. :)

  7. there is no sense in delaying test.

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