
How long should I wait to have another baby?

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I had a c-section April 2007. Should I wait another year?




  1. You have waited one year, and that's enough time for you to heal from your first child and your c-section.  Try for another baby when you are ready as in, are you ready to take care of a toddler and a newborn, etc.?  Best wishes!

  2. you don't have can have another one whenever you want

  3. I think Dr's usually recommend 18 months so your body can get back into its normal shape (vitamins restored, nutrients, muscles, etc.)

    But it's completely up to you. I think you would be fine to have another right now if you wanted to. Just start taking prenatals when you start TTC.

  4. You can have one whenever you want one and can provide for another baby. Also, just because you had a c-section, doesn't automatically mean you have to have another one, you might be able to deliver vaginally, be sure and talk to your doctor about this. I have a friend who had 8 children, the 2nd was a c-section, the other 6 were vaginally. Just be sure you're up to it emotionally and financially.

  5. maybe you should contact your doctor and make sure that everything  is going well god bless and best wishes!!

  6. it depends, how hard was it...did you had any problems? because usually doctos saying- not to get pregnant for 12 months after s-section. You might be ok now.;-)

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