
How long should I wait to make a birthday cake?

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My dad's 50th is Tuesday, it's Friday today and I planned to make a cake for the occasion, how long should I wait until I start baking it? I just don't want it to go stale. I am icing it too.




  1. Just make it when you are able, freeze it, and let it thaw overnight the night before your dad's birthday.

  2. Make the cake layers today, let them cool, wrap well and freeze them...(Trust me it's the best way.)...The day  you need them, let the layers defrost with the plastic wrap on (avoiding condensation)...then ice them when they are still somewhat cold (but not frozen) and firm..It will be much easier for you to ice the cake layers when they are cold.

  3. I just finished making a cake!  I made it today for my brothers birthday (today), I'd recommend doing it the night before and keeping it in an airtight box.

  4. bake it on Monday or tuesday cake dosent really take dat long 2 bake

  5. bake the cake Monday morning and icing the cake Monday night

  6. Make the cake sometime on Monday, but make sure you have all of your ingeridents...

  7. The earliest that I would even think of making it is Sunday but Monday is preferable.  If possible, keep it refrigerated after you bake and frost it - make sure that it is well covered as well to help keep it moist and fresh.


  8. Well, if time really is an issue you could make the cake, cover well (unfrosted) and freeze it.

    I would make it Monday nite.

  9. You can freeze the cakes in a well-sealed freezer bag, and assemble them later. As an alternative, use buttermilk instead of milk/ water in the recipe. It will help the cake remain moist.

  10. Sunday or Monday morning depending on how long it will take you.

  11. Make it Monday night.

  12. Yeah I agree, Monday afternnon )not to late though incase it goes wrong and you have to start again! you dont want to be up baking until 4am lol)

  13. You should probably bake it late Sunday.  That gives it time to totally cool, before you frost & decorate it on Monday ......Although, if you didn't need it until Tuesday night, you could bake it Monday, and decorate it during the day on Tuesday

  14. the day of his birthday or the day before definetily you want it to be fresh hope he has a super birthday nad cake=)

  15. Make it Sunday, wrap in foil when cool and ice it Monday, it won't go stale if kept in air tight conditions eg. foil or box with tight fitting lid

  16. make it on sunday

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