
How long should I wait to take a test?

by Guest32973  |  earlier

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First of all, I have a very irregular cycle and always have. My last few cycles have started pretty much on time but have been very light and last 2-3 weeks. My husband and I have stopped using protection but haven't actually started officially trying, we were going to wait for the first of the year. Well over the last couple of weeks I have noticed some very odd things going on with my body. My face is completely broken out! I have NEVER had a problem with acne before and over the last couple of weeks my face is very oily and broken out. I have also had a few spells of nausea and today it lasted all day. I have been more tired than usual and have had a few times where I could smell things strongly! But - my breast are not sore and I don't really feel hormonal. I am due to start sometime this week so I was just wondering if I should take a test now? I am not sure if anything would even show yet if I was pregnant? I think I am probably just being paranoid and jumping the gun... LOL!




  1. there isnt anything wrong with testing

  2. I agree nothing wrong with peeing on a test. That being said from a POSA (pee on a stick aholic..LOL)  Dollar stores have them for of course one dollar. Take one, if its neg, wait until after you've missed a period. good luck

  3. If you think you got pregnant more than 2 weeks ago and you are having symptoms for that long and you are pregnant then the pregnancy test should be positive.

    Most pregnant women have a positive HPT after they miss their period.

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