
How long should I want before calling about a job?

by  |  earlier

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I recently had a group interview for a job at a pet store, and after the interview, the manager pulled me aside and said that "My ambition impressed the c**p out of him". So he gave me his personal cell phone number and told me to call him so we could talk more about it. I called him the next day at around noon, and he said he was at work and would call me back later. I gave him my number to call me back, but he hasn't called back yet, and it's been 2 days. When should I try to call him again? Or should I just wait?




  1. wait....maybe a week from the time he said he would call you back and if he hasn't then call him again.....maybe towards the end of business hours.

  2. You should wait one week before trying to call him again. If he was busy he might of got caught up and forgotten about you, or he may be going through a big thing at work. A week is enough time for him to work through most problems and for you to call with out looking pushy. Good Luck

  3. Hi To tell you the truth I think this guy is looking for more then a pet store employee. If he hires you, pay very close attention to how he acts around other young women, and particularly how he acts towards you. Accidental or inappropriate touching or suggestive comments, head for the door as fast as you can go. Have him mail your check. By the way, I'd suggest you don't call him, if he's so impressed wait and see if he calls you.

    Good Luck


  4. I would just wait.

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