
How long should a parakeet fly outside of its cage?

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we let my bird fly around about once every week is that ok for a 4-6 month old parakeet if not how long does it need to fly around and how often.




  1. A parakeet can sit parallel to the perch and fly 100 mph. It isn't a good idea to let them fly loose in the house. Besides the sanitary side of it, (they p**p every time they land) it isn't safe for them. There is to much to get into that will kill them. They will chew electrical wiring on appliances. They will chew on the furniture and anything else that they can get their beak on. The can fly out of the door even if it is only cracked a tiny bit. One time one of mine flew out over a visitors head as they were leaving. Even if you clip their wings they will still exercise them. Clipping is the way to go if you love and cherish your little bird. They will drown in a sink of dishwater or the commode. They will crash into walls, mirrors and glass windows and doors. Did I mention that they p**p every time they land? Your bird will live much longer if you leave it in the cage. I gave my aunt a baby parakeet a pretty Violet Opaline. It never ate anything but seed. It never came out of the cage other than cleaning time. They really didn't interact with the bird after a few months. It sat in the kitchen and was a happy little bird for 20 years and 7 months.

  2. Not a good thing to do. It will fly out the door sooner of later. Get the wings clipped.

    It will still be able to fly if done right but a lot slower and not as high.

    You could always get a larger cage too.

  3. I let my pet budgie fly out of his cage for how ever long he wants. Hes new to me too.. but when he gets bored outside and lazy or wants food etc. he just goes back to his cage.

    I don't see any harm in it, and i let him out everyday. Just make sure hes in the same room as you and you have a watchful eye on him. Make sure the doors are closed as well as windows and that the mirrors are covered so he cant fly into them. Your budgie will love the freedom and be much happier.

    its completely up to you how much you want to take him out and leave him out for. It would be best though that hes familiar with you first so that hes not to scared to get back into his cage . :)

    *happy flying*

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