
How long should i be running on the treadmill and benching for in order to gain muscle and lose weight?

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I am 17 years old, 5'8" and weigh 160 (i know a little of the hefty side). I usually run on a treadmill for 20 minutes on 5 MPH with incline 2-3. Then i bench 80 lbs (4 sets of 20). Then i do 25 lbs curls (4 sets of 15). How does this sound?? Any other suggestions?




  1. you need to work on more muscle groups....add some back work and leg work to your weight training program, abs and shoulder work would be of benefit too, work all the muscle groups, your cardio is good 20-30 mins, you can always increase speed and incline to burn more calories.  

  2. Wanna work your chest? bench pressing is probably the WORST chest exercise in incline press/dips/decline press/push ups

    want your arms to look bigger? your tricep is roughly 3 times the size of your bicep....start working it

    Do some dam leg work and NO the treadmill DOESN"T count

    do the following




    incline bench press

    push ups


    military press(meaning you STAND UP when you do it)

    Bent over row

    pull ups

    chin ups

    skull crushers

    close grip incline bench press

    if the 160 in your weight is in pounds? all you are is SKINNY FAT meaning you can't even qualify as 'hefty' just soft and pudgy...sort of like the pillsbury doughboy

    and when you 'run'....move your dam legs...that isn't even running someone that's your height is barely moving at 5 mph....I mean come on push yourself a little you cant expect to see results on what you're doing

  3. Like the poster above me said try to mix up and use more muscle groups. Bench Press covers chest, and curls are biceps. Don't forget about triceps, shoulders, and back. If you run fast enough your legs will build fine for now.

    Also here is a big suggestion. Lower your reps and increase the weight. Try doing 3-4 sets of 8-10. Higher weight will cause your muscles to grow faster/stronger. Same thing with the bench press. Make sure you have help though, I only do 4sets for 6-8 with as much weight as I can handle. Be sure to warm up a set with very light weight, it really helps.

  4. hecla 1 and dp are right: you need to be working more of your muscle groups, including your legs.  If you work only your chest and biceps, you may look good in the bathroom mirror, but you will not look good to other people.  Also, if you work your chest without working your upper back, you will develop bad posture and set yourself up for a shoulder injury.  It's important to work your legs with heavy weights, not just the treadmill, because 75% of your muscle mass is in your lower body.  Even if you don't care how your legs look, you do care about fat loss, and muscle burns calories, even at rest.

    I'd suggest switching to a more balanced weight training routine.  I'd also suggest cutting down on the number of reps per set.  20 rep sets don't build muscle as effectively as, say, 10 reps per set.  Krista Scott-Dixon's second beginner full-body routine, "Get In, Get Out, Go Home," might be a good choice for you.  

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