
How long should i do off ice training for?

by  |  earlier

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I really want stronger legs which will help with my skating. I asked a question on what type of exersices i could do but i would like to know how long i should practice for.




  1. a couple times a week for a month or two

  2. well it depends what level u r at but prob about and hour 3x a week!

    hope this helps!

  3. well i do office 3x a week and i am at intermediate i wouldrecommendd doing wall sits w?ur back on the wall bend your knees at a 90o angleandd sit there for as long as possible thatreallyy strengthened my knees

  4. WOW! I did the exact same thing! I took a 3 MONTH break from ice training to strength my legs. I think 3 months is the perfect amount of time off. It worked really well for me. =]  

  5. try going on runs or walks ride your bike hope this helps answer mine;...

  6. During the regular season I do off ice for one hour after skating 2 times a week. During summer: everyday for 1 and a half hours. I also try to do a little training on my own every day.

    Since you want strong legs I would recommend doing some strengthening exercises for your legs -like squats and bridges- every day.  

  7. Well I go 3-4 times a week, and along with that i take gymnastics, ballet, and pilates.

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