
How long should i ground my daughter for talking back?

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she is 15 and she argues...she got mad at me for turning off the radio because it was saying b**** a lot.

she said you talk like that all the cuss so whats the difference between that and the radio

its NOT a one time thing...

we got into a little fight ... how long should i ground her

is a month too long?

how long should it be for?




  1. You really should not ground her at all.

    She must be having a very difficult life right now and it would make her worse if you show her that it is a big deal. yes it works with teens.  

  2. whats the point of grounding her if you talk like that...she's going to hear that word wherever she goes anyway

  3. i would say a day or two if you absolutely have to ground her.. i think your being a little too strict.. i mean she has a point

  4. I agree with Mandy and Pauly's answer.

  5. Five days.

  6. Two weeks should be sufficient. You can also take away the radio. Some swear words they allow on radio stations, which I think is not right.

  7. I think what's more important is sitting down and talking to your daughter to let her know where your coming from.  communications is key in any relationship, don't just ground her but explain that talking back is unacceptable and why you turned off the radio.  Remember you are the example, if you don't want her to do something then don't do it your self!!

  8. I would tell her it was up to her how long she was grounded for. When she can start talking to you with respect and treating you as her mother not a starnger then she can be ungrounded. Make her do it for a few days or a week or some thing.  

  9. I'm not a parental expert but...

    a) You should forgive her, it's the right thing.

    b) If you take away the radio, she can just use her friends or other items.

    c) If you ground her, she'll have a little hate for you, and it'll hurt.

    d) Don't hit her because that'll make things even worse, trust me.

    e) Teach her right from wrong, tell her cussing isn't the best thing, plus you'll have to give a good example yourself because you are*if Christian, then Godis * the best role model available for her.

    No offense, but you're the parent so take charge! Good luck!

  10. well most of the good songs swear i usually just put it on jamn 94.5 it blocks out the swears and its good hip hop and rnb i think u shouldnt ground her it isnt her fault that the song was swearing how could u punish her for a fight you started.

  11. I do not accept arguing, but I do accept respectful and appropriate feedback.

    My daughter is only 13, and I do get talking back at times.  First time in a given conversation, I warn her about her tongue.  Second time its to her room for an hour.  I think grounding for longer than that is way too much unless she is totally out of control.

    The only other response that is not measured is when I am totally disrespected and/or yelled at.

    Hope this helps.

  12. has grounding her worked before....apparently not if this wasn't a one time thing...

    do you cuss alot? it's weird...children learn from their parents. you don't need to "fight" with a 15 year old. You need to lay the law down and walk out of the room...rise above a teenage mentality...and stop cussing around your kids, they get enough of that from the radio. lol

    Also, your avatar name leaves alot to be desired. The word Heroin is fairly immature for a mother of a teen. Not the best example...what do you expect?

  13. Well,

    A) She is 15, she hears worse at school, lay off the censoring and babying.

    B) If you say bytch in front of her you have no right to turn off the radio when it plays a song that does. If you want to turn off the radio for that then you need to stop saying bytch.

    C) I applaud your daughter for THINKING FOR HERSELF. For having an opinion and a say instead of letting you treat her like a small child and censor the music she hears, especially at her age.

    She has a legit argument by the way.

    If you say bytch in front of her then hearing bytch on the radio is fine.

    You shouldn't ground her at all. Just accept that you were being one of those weird creepy overbearing overprotective parents and what HUMAN in their right mind would sit there and take that?

  14. if you're going to ground her, don't make it longer than a week. teenagers are notorious for talking back and having MAJOR attitudes. it will just make her more angry if you do that, and she'll argue more. the idea of "this is the consequence for that action" stops working so much when they hit their teenage years. you have to talk with her and explain why you don't want her listening to that music. you'll get alot further with her without the yelling and punishing.

  15. depends on what the punishment is

  16. I dont use groundins, because I am grounding myself to make sure my daughter does as she is supposed to.  My daughter is 10 and when she talks back first time is corner time, the second time is a bare bottom belt spanking.

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