
How long should i keep the pregnant guppies in the bredder tank?

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i have 5 pregnant guppies in a 10 gallon tank by them selfs and i was wondering that when they start to have babiees how long i should leave them in there.




  1. leave adults as long as babys r in there, they dont tend to et their young

  2. you shouldn't put them in a breeder at all

    i recommend leaving them in the main tank and just buy live plants like

    water wisteria

    water sprite

    breeding grass

    for the fry to hide in

    or setup a 5 gallon breeding tank

    you can use the breeder if you really want, but it really only stresses out the females and can cause her to abort the fry

    if you do choose to use it, you take her out as soon as she is done giving birth

  3. if you have all five together then you should put lots of things in the tank for the little fish to hide in..all bigger fish will try to eat the little or not...i have found the best thing for me is to just leave the preggers in with the group and give the babies lots o places to floating grass on top and some bunch plants on the bottom..and little hidey holes in the mom in law just puts the moms in a breeding net in the tank and takes the mom out when she has em..and puts babies in a separate lil fishy tank till they get big enough to go in the big kid tank.....good luck.

  4. take them out as soon as the babies are born they will eat their own fry

  5. you should take them out once they have the babies and move them into a separate tank by themselves

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