
How long should i play with my hamster?

by  |  earlier

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i usually just play with her like 20 or 30 minutes a day. she just trys to run out of my hand most the time so i try and put her in a play pin with some toys but she just wants out.

i play with her at night so im not disturbing her during the day but shes really hyper at night. would it be okay if i played with her during the day? how long should i play with her each day? (day and night i mean)

and also what are some fun games or activities i can play with her? because she doesnt like the play pen and shes not too fond of the ball




  1. You can make or buy a maze for her to run in. And you could put more toys in her cage so in the day if she gets bored and u aren't there she can play with it. You could put her in like a bin cage and pet her and stuff. And let her climb on stuff. Don't play with your hamster too long. Cause, like humans, they need rest and water. In the day, don't play with her too much cause they are nocturnal and will be annoyed. Only play with her when she's awake or else she will bite you. At night she'll be more awake so I guess you could play with her around 30 minutes or less.

  2. don't play with her during the day..she will be grumpy and annoyed

    play with her at night but do it for like 30 minutes so she is accustomed to you...put your hands in the sort of cup shape with her head sticking out, that way she can't escape (don't squeeze her too tightly) She will only want to escape even more if you don't play with her, playing with her also results in a friendlier hamster rather than a grumpy one.  

  3. Hiya!

    My hamster is really hyper at night as well. Nd she absolutely loves her ball so i leave her in that for an hour and a half. Im still taming my hamster so i cant play with her when shes loose out the cage because she tries to run away but my friends hamster is tame, so we used to do a mini obstacle course for it. And to answer your question 'would it be okay if i played with her during day time?'

    Yes thats fine but sometimes during the day they just wake up to get food and drink, so before playing with her make sure shes not tired.

    Hope iv helped, Good luck!

  4. thats fine wt ur doin it usally about 30 mins or so

  5. i play with my dwarf hamster any time of the day and he loves every second of it. hes the mellowest hamster ive ever had. lol. just try to find out what your hamsters preferences are, and go from there.

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