
How long should i put my hamster in his ball daily?

by Guest60882  |  earlier

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he excercise all night, so i wonder if he needs excercise in the day time or in the afternoon..:S




  1. I think that ur hamster will need some exercise.  if he is in the ball and not moving that means that he is tired and u can then take him out..

  2. i have a panda bear hamster and with him every night whenever he wakes up i put him in his ball for 15 20 or 30 minutes depending on if he wants to or not. sometimes when i put him in it he just sits there and cleans himself so hes only in there a little while, but other times i try to take him out and he turns around and jumps back in his ball! just do whatever you think you should.

  3. you sould put it in for 15 minutes or less but, not more couse they get hot

  4. I have a hamster and i leave him on there for an hour

  5. Hi!

    There isn't a timer for this:). You may keep him in the ball between 5 min- 2 hours (usually Syrian hamsters use the ball like crazy because they are bigger and get tired harder) and let him run around. When you noticed that the hamster is tired or shows the smallest sign of injury, you have to get it out immediately.

    Some hamsters run only during the night,others run both in the day as in the night. My hammies run all day and all night.

    So you never know if your hamster will like to run in the ball during the day until you give it a a try. If he doesn't like it at first try to make him feel comfy in it by putting some treats inside and let him eat them. He should get used with the ball in short time. If he doesn't , keep the ball for yourself and let him play in the wheel. I am sure he likes that;)!

    If you need to find out more about hamsters you can find it at, a brand new site dedicated to all hamster lovers. If you don't find what you are looking for on my site, be patient. I'm just starting to roll the wheel - just like my hamsters :)! Come back weekly as I will post fresh information that I hope will be of help to you!

    Good luck!

    P.S.: Please let me know how he does in the ball. I hope he likes cause it's so fun  to watch it!

  6. Rodents are nocturnal and will "exercise" at night no matter what, but twenty minutes is usually good enough.  I use to sit on a carpet and encircle my hamster with my legs and let him run around.  This way he got exercise and I got to interact with him.

  7. Daily?  

    Ten to fifteen minutes.  Shorter if they seem to just sit there like they're bored.

    While it's important for them to get out, too much time in the ball can result in:



    ~Spinal issues;

    ~Burning; sitting in front of a window

    ~Chilling; getting stuck on a vent.

    Though all of those require that you leave them in the ball for a long period of time during the day and with little super vision.  I expect you'll do just fine if you keep an eye on the little tyke while he's running around so he doesn't run into trouble.

  8. If they like it 5-10 minutes is good, If They love it 10-15 minutes is good. Do not do it more then 20 minutes, evan if they are still going. This could result in-


    ~bad back

    ~cold front

    ~hot front

    and for somethings, Can cause death.

  9. I would say at least ten minutes a day, but not more than twenty.

  10. 10_15 minutes

  11. Probably 15-20 minutes, thats how long i use-to put mine in there ball.

  12. If it is having fun hour or two,,,,if not,,,,,,,,,,,,,,back to the cage or your shirt pocket...Mine liked the shirt pocket..............

  13. it partly depends on the breed, but usually about 20 minutes at a time is about right.

    my sister has a russian dwarf hamster, and that poor little thing gets tired after 10!

    as someone else has already said, more than one ball session a day is needed. they will need breaks to toilet and eat and maybe even nap, but they'll be ready for more once they're refreshed.

  14. As long as your hamster has a wheel, you don't NEED a ball, but it is a nice thing. Keep them in there as long as they look like they are having fun, active and moving well. If they are kept in there too long, they may get dehydraed, and hungary, as their bodies are so small and everything goes through them sooo fast. No more then 20 minutes. If you want to keep them in longer than that, make sure they get a break every 15 to 20 min. to get a drink, a bit of food, etc. Make sure you supervise them at ALL times when they are out of their cage, they could get stuck or lost or even get out of the ball.

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