
How long should i train before i am ready 2 have my first boxing bout?

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I'm seventeen years old i'm an athlete but i've let myself go in the past year but i am willing and looking forward to training as much as humanly possibly and will do what ever it takes.

I'm 6'0, 190 but would like 2 get down to 175, and i will be going 2 st. johns in ny, next fall and would like to join and train at gleasons gym.

I want all the help i can get and am willing to go through h**l to achieve what i have set out to do.




  1. 3 MONTHS.

  2. Good answer Belgium G,  you are so correct. However here is some additional advice, if you really want to go to a boxing gym then at least try to be in the best possible shape & condition you can be in before you walk into a gym or like Belgium G said trainers won't event know your there.  

    Maybe if you look in shape & are smooth on the jump rope somebody may say "hey what's up with this kid?" and that would be a good thing for you.

    Now this isn't football, your height & weight means something different here so if your lucky and start working with somebody that knows there stuff let them decide the weight division for you. Good luck..

  3. It's not a matter of how long you train, some people can train for months- years before they are considered ready to box in an amateur tournament or preliminary bouts. what you have to take into account is your a new guy in the gym, unless your lucky and someone notices you right away, you'll be lucky to get real training help sometimes in months, just because gyms already have their boxers that they cater to. I say go to the gym start a program of stretches, and warm-ups and hit the bag, jump rope. Let your face become familiar, boxing is not just a easy sport to say hey I am going in in there and giving it all I got, some of these guys are ringers at 14-15 years old. If your doing it just to lose weight most likely you'll be on your own,t his is golden glove time.

  4. Now this is the questions I love!!!!!!!!  Boxing being rekindled by the youth of America. I dont know u but im so proud u want to become a fighter and at seventeen your prime time and should have no problem knocking the weight down. Good diet and exercise and u will reach your goal. And the trainers at Gleasons will shape and mold u to the fighter u want to be. U want h**l, well they will put u through it!! No halfassing, give it your all and your dream will come true.

    Now as for a fight, anyone will tell u that to really succeed u need several years and a good amateur background to be ready for the pro's. After a couple of months u will begin sparring, granted u show skills. After a year or so the amateurs and maybe a few ''smokers'' (unsanctioned amateur fights) to get u the experiance u need. Some guys can have limited amateur fights and become great pro's. Others fight hundreds and get burned out by the time they go pro.

    Reading your question I can sense your serious. If u are, your trainers will know when its time for u to fight. I think u could be a pro by 21 considering the tough gyms and amateur program in New York. Best wishes and hope your dream comes true!

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