
How long should i wait,wife left 1.5 years ago & left 90% of her things at my house?

by  |  earlier

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i have asked her several times to collect her possessions or at least let me know what i can through out.not a word of a lie,i boxed up MOST of her shoes (over 50 pairs,some of which have never been worn ) i have them neatly stacked up but they take up 1/4 of the spare bedroom.she also left about 80% of her clothes and they fill up 2 dressers and 3/4 of my closet space.must be doing O.K. to be able to buy all new clothes,she is a real clotheshorse to boot.i mean really have i not given her way to much time to collect her things or tell me to get rid of them,i need the room for myself and for my NEW ROOM MATE.maybe i should have a FIRE sale! i know several women that would go wild to sort through all the things left behind or to give them away to salvation army or some other group that would give them to the needy.boy there sure would be some well dressed less fortunate ladies walking around.but seriously,how long do i wait.




  1. If things are already packed - so much the better.

    Send her a message that you know will reach her (registered mail?) and give her a deadline.

    Something like " There are currently X boxes stacked here that have contents that belong to you.

    You are to pick them up, or have them picked up, at the latest this-and-this date.  Failure to pick them up or to contact me with a specific date and time when they will be picked up before the abovementioned deadline indicates consent and approval to have the boxes removed.

    If you cannot, for whatever reason, meet the deadline, i can provide transport of said boxes to any address you provide, at your cost."

    You may have to polish it a bit and add some legalese - but if you don`t, you`ll be stuck with it for ever.

  2. Give her a time to pick them up, tell her they going to Goodwill the next day, period.

  3. have a nice yard sale ! if she left and didn't come back.or are you still married to someone who is not ,this aint your sister  sell it and get some closure to your life ,what don't sell donate to the poor and stop being her fool

  4. d**n you still have them ? Let the ladys pick through them thats what i did . At least they did appreciate them

  5. Do you know where she lives?  If so, take all of her stuff and leave it on her porch.

  6. I would no longer wait, call her and tell her you have one more day to remove your belongings and then it's out on the street.

  7. Send her a letter by certified mail (get it notarized as well by a notary public) informing her that she has 30 days to collect her belongings and if she does not that they will be disposed of in a manner of your choosing.  You are not a storage facility and have no obligation to store her belongings indefinitely, if she voluntarily chose to abandon the marital home.

  8. I would think of a day and time that is convenient for YOU and let her know that if her things (ALL OF THEM) are not gone by that time you will give them away. I would give them to the people you suggested.  

    If she doesn't come she is saying goodbye to her things.  Otherwise, you are more than willing to give them to her.  DON'T allow her to change the day and time.  She is not to control you anymore.  You are moving on and so has she.  It is either she make plans to meet on your terms, or she forfeits!  

    Good luck to you!

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