
How long should i wait to get a bfp??

by  |  earlier

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I have pcos and i took provera (pills to induce a period) a few week ago and got my period on aug 21 and it lasted for seven days...two days later i noticed egg white cervical mucus (hopefully a sign of ovulation )

and have been having s*x every other long should i wait to take a test for it to be positive? we have been ttc for the past year ..i really hope it comes out positive




  1. I would say wait until Sept. 14-21.  That would be about the earliest that you could get a positive result.  Before that, you'd be much more likely to get a false negative.  Good luck!

  2. that egg white string mucus is ovulation, have intercourse on that day.... I have pcos, was diagnosed when i was 13. now 25 (26 in a week)  i started trying when i was 16 and stopped trying when i went on metformin to help me get a period and 2 months later it all happened as i gave up trying.

    i had s*x on that day i saw the egg white and exactly 2 weeks later i found out i was preggers via a blood test, i didnt muck around with pee on a sticks.... Sometimes "trying" doesnt help your chances, relax, thats when it will happen...  

  3. I waited until AF is 4 days late as I cannot bear to see a negative, it's heart breaking after TTC for 9 months. Thank goodness this is the month for me, it's a BFP. Baby dust to you

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