
How long should i wait to help open the eggs, if my duck eggs have not hatched after the 3 days?

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thew eggs have been in the incubator for 28 days, hhave not been turned for the last three days, but they are no signs of hatching, the ducklings are alive as i can hear them but when should i help them to hatch because my last batch also failed to hatch and the ducklings died in the eggs, thank you millar for the information.




  1. How long has it been since they went into the incubator?

    Here is an article on the time it takes duck eggs to hatch.

    Much of the information available on incubating and hatching chicken eggs can be applied to ducks, as long as the important differences between these two species are taken into account. Since duck eggs are larger than chicken eggs, setting trays must be designed to accommodate their larger size. Eggs from common ducks like Pekins require 28 days to hatch. Eggs from Muscovy ducks hatch in about 35 days after setting. When larger numbers of duck eggs are to be hatched, large commercial incubators (setters) and hatchers are normally used. Pekin duck eggs are kept in a setter for 25 days and then transferred on the 25th day to a hatcher where they remain until they hatch on the 28th day. Eggs are automatically turned while in the setter (usually hourly). It is not necessary to turn eggs in the hatcher. Basic procedures and conditions for hatching duck eggs are as follows.

    1. If the incubator is not already in operation, start the incubator and allow the temperature and humidity to stabilize a day or two before setting eggs. Set the temperature at 37.5°C (99.5°F) and relative humidity at 55% (84.5°F on wet bulb thermometer). Set ventilation as recommended by the incubator manufacturer. Eggs must be turned, either automatically or by hand, a minimum of 4 times a day. Most automatic turning devices are set to change the position of the eggs hourly.

    2. Select eggs to be set by carefully inspecting and candling them at the time they are put in setting trays. Do not set eggs that are cracked, double yolked, misshapen, oversized, undersized or dirty. For best results, set eggs within 1-3 days from the time they were laid. There is an average loss of about 3% hatchability for eggs stored 7 days before setting, and about 10% loss for those stored 14 days. Always set eggs with the small end down, except in the case of small incubators that have no trays. If eggs have been stored in a cooler, take them out of the cooler the night before setting and allow them to warm to room temperature.

    3. On the day of setting, put eggs in incubator, close the doors and allow the incubator to reach operating temperature. Check frequently to make sure the incubator is working properly the first day, and continue checking thereafter at least four times a day.

    4. At about seven days after setting, candle the eggs and remove any eggs that are infertile (clear) or have dead germ (cloudy).

    5. At 25 days after setting (Pekin eggs), the eggs are transferred to hatching trays, and if eggs are hatched in a separate machine, moved to the hatcher. Candle and remove eggs with dead embryos. At the time of transfer, the temperature of the hatcher should be set at 37.2°C (99°F) and the humidity set at 65% (88°F wet bulb). As the hatch progresses, and eggs begin to pip, increase the humidity to 80% (93°F wet bulb), and increase ventilation openings by about 50%. As the hatch nears completion gradually lower the temperature and humidity so that by the end of the hatch the temperature is at 36.1°C (97°F), and the humidity is at 70% (90°F wet bulb). Vents should be opened to their maximum setting by the end of the hatch. Remove ducklings from the hatcher when 90-95% of them are dry.

  2. never open the eggs i repead never . they should do this on there own it might take a while but never help a duck or bird out of an egg by this ur not allowing the chick or duckling to hatch normally if it has a nother let the mother assist it . if it does not only do it when u c that the duckling rllly needs help if u c it does no tthen do nothing. im sorri if i sound liek im yelling but i cant stress that out any more

  3. They can take up to a week longer than the 28 days sometimes and hatch perfectly fine. It just depends on the speed of development and genetics. Wait up to a week.

  4. As others have said never open eggs the babies will generally not survive.  If you have already lost one set of chicks dead in shell it sounds like the humidity may be to low in your incubator.   This can make the eggs to hard for the chick to break through.  Try upping the humidity in the incubator

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