
How long should it take for my eyes to heal after PRK?

by  |  earlier

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It has been 3 weeks since I had prk done. Out of my right eye I am seeing fine but my left eye hasn't healed at all. When should I start worrying?




  1. I am worried that you are not asking your doctor you paid to dthis for you the questions. It is not a good question to ask anyone in here. We did not see you pre or post surgery and we also do not know the specifics of your case. None of th eprofessionals in here can answer that questions with any certainty becuase we know nothing . Your doctor knows all of that and should answer that for you. I would encourage you to call them and make an appointment to have them looka t you and ask them the very wame question. They do have an obligation to give you a reasonable answer, and your doctor should be able to tell you becuase they know what all of your info would be. See what I mean? Go for it!

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