
How long should it take for six pack?

by Guest34322  |  earlier

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S, I've been ding 200 sit ups, 200 crunchs and 160 push-ups per day split up in two sets. I've been doing it for a week or two but haven't really noticed much changes, I also run and excerise every second day along with a healthy diet. What else do I need to do?




  1. What is your body fat percentage? It needs to be under 10 percent. Around 3 percent is competition level and that is when they look the best, really ripped, and they really pop out at that body fat level. It could be that your abs are hiding below fat. If so, then you need to do more cardio and drop weight. Also it takes longer than a week or two to notice visual improvements in muscles. Look at around 3 months for little gains and 1 year for more noticeable gains.

    Try working the abs out less, like only 2 times per week with several days between sessions. You may be overtraining them. Muscles need time to rest and recover so that they can grow. Also use resistance and do smaller reps 5-8 with several sets. You use resistance by tossing a weight plate on your chest and then doing the crunches while you hold it against your chest with your hands.

  2. Just give it time

  3. you should try to get an ab lounge it works good

    i could get abs on it in about a week but i dont want to be a slave to exersize

  4. I'd say your ab workouts sound fairly similar to mine. It took be honest...about 6 months before I started getting the muscle definition in my abs that I wanted. It does take time. It will come though. If it were an over night thing, America would not be the most obese country. Its worth it. It will come. Good luck.

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