
How long should my pet rats' teeth be?

by  |  earlier

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When they yawn, their teeth show (obviously) But, are they meant to be that long? Their bottom teeth look roughly a cm long.. They knaw on loads of stuff. What should I do about it?





  1. Rats are suppose to have very long teeth and their teeth are suppose to be yellow not white like ours. Rat teeth never stop growing so they have to chew on stuff. If you go to the pet store they have little flavor blocks that they can chew on to keep their teeth down. I use those so they don't chew on my clothes and other things. If your rat doesn't chew on stuff thats bad because since their teeth never stop growing it can cause major problems and prevent them from eating and their teeth can even grow through the top of their mouth which is very painful for them.

  2. This is normal

    I think all rodents teeth are long

    And remeber

    Rodents teeth don't ever stop growing!

    They keep growing and growing

    And if theyy get to long

    they can actually grow thru the roof of their mouthh

    So keep him chewing

  3. Sorry, but I don't think rats should be pets...!!Careful he dosen't gnaw off your ear in your sleep..ha-ha?!!

  4. Here's a link to how rat teeth should look:

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