
How long should my pubic hair be?(boys)

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i'm only 12 years old but i have sooooo long pubic hair, is this common among the other boys of my age? I fear that i'm the only 12 year old in my class that has soooo long pubes.. pls help and share thoughts




  1. dude just trim it if you have a problem

  2. Well trim them if you don't like them.

    It's your body and you have to be comfortable with it.

    How long is long? You make it sound like your p***s is buried in your pubes.

  3. Im 13 and mine are like 3in-6in my p***s is 7in hard

  4. erm well I do  it on how long it takes them to  dry after a shower -If its takin ages then there too long  -It depends when you started to  grow pubic hair -I did at 10 and but didnt contimplate doing anything to  the hair until i was 14

    I'd say any more than 6cm outwards is too long

    If you do decide there to long them just trim them DONT shave em -trust me I did and i spent the next month itching like mad

  5. yeah your fine.  i started to get my pubic hair when i was 11.  im 14 now and they are a couple inches long(about 1-1 1/2) but all boys have different ways.  some grow arm hair first and some get there voices low, but we have the hair first.

  6. idk i guess. i am 14 and mine are long  

  7. its normal

  8. Typically, they should hang out your shorts when you play B ball!!.

    Nah...couple inches is normal.

  9. nah. trust me. all ur other classmate r the same.

    ask them.

    but trim them if u want.

    wen u trim them, make them juss shirt enuff that they stand up straight w/ no signs of curls ne where.

    my pubes curl. so thats wat i do.

    u can shave some parts thoe.

  10. everybody is different when it comes to puberty, some go through it muh quicker than others and u r probably one of those ppl. dont worry about it but if it really bothers u then just trim them up.

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