
How long should periods last on the pill.?

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before the pill my periods lasted 6days, but were extremely light for the last two days. Im on the pill for the first time and my period came saturday and i think is finished today although there is the odd bit of spotting, its been a heavy period just like my old ones, im due to start my pill again tomorrow, normal non-pregnant period isnt it? x x x x




  1. I think this sounds like a normal pill period, im on the pill to regulate mine and ive found that its having little effect on my periods so far, other than the fact that i know when there coming and when there going to stop! Periods can be decreased and much lighter after continued use of the pill but not for everyone and your periods may stay like this for much longer, spotting is also common when taking the pill in the early stages because your body is being tricked into thinking that its pregnant and is getting used to all the hormones being in it. Even if tomorrow you are still bleeding take the pill like you always do and it should stop within a couple of days, remember never skip a pill. :) and if your wondering why im answering all your questions its cus i lyk you and these questions are all my kind of areas! haha xx

  2. When you first get started on the pill your body doesn't quite know what to do so your period will either be longer or shorter than usual. Once your body gets used to the extra hormones the length of your period will vary depending on the pill. Standard length is a week but there are many cases where the period only lasts about three- four days. So, yeah its normal...

  3. im on the pill and mine lasts about 4 days :)

  4. there is no point in asking or trying to put a time frame on it as all women are different!  

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