
How long should the court case take after someone has been charged in a s*x abuse charge?

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Recently the person who abused me as a child has been charged with much more that just what happened to me. How long until having to go to court comes along?




  1. Largely depends on the defendant and his attorney. It they want it to take a really long time, in a complex set of cases like that, they can make it drag on, maybe for years. If it's multiple s*x offenses against multiple kids, it probably won't take too long, which is to say it might be a year. If they're any kind of good cases, the D.A. has a lot of leverage. It may well be that there is no trial. If there are multiple offenses, the D.A. gets a lot of shots at him, and in this sort of situation, they often work out a plea. The prosecutor's office probably has a victim services person who can give you an idea how these things go there.  

  2. Depends on the court system..the defendant..his lawyers. how fast the court systems processes this case..the amount of paper work..file by the defendants lawyer...the witness victim advocate office should also be assisting you in your questions and giving you support in this them

  3. Depends on the volume of the court and the aggressiveness of the prosecutor.

    From 2-3 months to a couple of years.

  4. download p**n video absolutely free at

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