
How long should we wait before swimming in our pool after I adjust the pH level?

by  |  earlier

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I am going to add some pH minus to our pool to help with the alkalinity, it is too high. How long should we wait before swimming in it? Why?




  1. If you know the proper amount of the product you will be using to correct the pH problem of the water in your swimming pool (amount of acidic additive per volume of water in your pool PER INSTRUCTIONS of the product), and if you distribute the acidic product as evenly as possible around the entire pool, and you have a circulating system for the water; I believe the instructions on the package of the additive should be there to advise you concerning safe usage of the pool for swimming.

  2. Do you believe he said that all in one sentence???? Anyway....let the filter run for about 15 minutes to distribute the chemicals and then jump in. You won't get your skin eaten off!! Have fun!!!!

  3. If you don't have test strips, get some.

    Use your test strips to check for safe level.

    If it reads in the desired range, you are good to go.

    Have a safe summer!

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