
How long should we wait till i go to the Emergency Room?

by  |  earlier

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i think i broke my wrist i dont know what i did but it hurts to move it and it was sorta green, and my mom said she wouldnt take me to the ER tonight but maybe tomorrow i suppose cuz its like a 3-6 hour trip to go to the er to get a 10 minute responce, but it hurts more than when i broke me ankle, so should i agree and wait? or should i complain and hope she takes me tonight??




  1. sounds serious, go tonight

  2. You could call 911 or the doctor and ask them what you should do.

  3. Sounds like what happened to me :)

    The first time I broke my wrist it didn't look to bad, but I was in a h**l of alot of pain, and went to the hospital the next day... I broke my Ulna and some other bone in my wirst.... the second time I broke my wrist I fell off the couch (Yes...) and I didn't think I could breakz it that way, but it was a bit swollen an hurt so I went to the hospital 5 days later.... Broke my Radius :) You should probably go to the ER just incase, because if you did break something, it may heal crookedly, or just get worse.

  4. Don't go tonight.  You might not want to rush into things.  You should definitely wait because the hospital and doctors can do NOTHING of great significance until the swelling goes down.  The only thing they can accomplish tonight is tell you it's broken, bill your insurance, and recommend you to a specialist (in the morning).  It would be better if you just went to a specialist tomorrow if it still hurts.

    Also remember that hospitals go by severity, not by check in times.  I waited 3 hours in a curtain cubical with an ankle broken in 3 places...the girl before me had an inch long rusted nail in her foot.

    If you take my advice, I would suggest a make shift splint for the night while you are sleeping.  Get something long and hard (wood plank or a metal poll) and put a lot of gauze or cotton around your arm.  Tape the gauze to your arm, then attact the 'splint" part firmly so it would be impossiable for you to sleep on it weird.

  5. as a nurse I will tell you she should definitely take you tonight you have only a few hours where your bone is sticky after a break to set it if you wait too long it is not long sticky and  in order to fix it you will need pins and surgery. tell you mom the long ride now might just save her a lot of money rather than going later. especially if  you are still young and growing  y ou could of broken wrist over growth plate.

  6. do you have an ace bandage..? rap it around your wrist as tight as you can with out cutting off the circulation.. If you don't have an ace bandage find the longest sock you have and use that..  also get an ice pack and put it on it and try not to move it at all..

    If it gets worse YOU can call 911..

  7. you should go soon.

    i broke my wrist a while ago and made the mistake of waiting.

    it healed, but it would have been a whole load faster if i didn't wait.

    it turned all green and swollen and i couldn't even sleep. it hurt that bad.

    GO SOON.

  8. They'll amputate it soon enough, don't worry.

  9. If you were my daughter and your wrist was changing colors and hurting I would take the trip to the ER. I know that if it does break and you don't have it set soon enough it will start to heal the way it is and then you will be in a mess of problems. But you should ask yourself this

    Can you move it?

    Is it swollen?

    Are there any numbness or tingling in the fingers?

    Have you tried to ice it and keep it elevated?

    Did the ice take the swelling and pain down?

    There is always a possibility that it could be a sprain or strain to the muscles. I think if it isn't that painfull and you can move it then you can wait till morning. If it's extremely painful and you can't move the limb then it should be looked at. Get ice on it and get it elevated.

  10. put ice on it, or try to be your own doctor, if that dont work, then dont agree and wait

  11. complain.

  12. Your mom is in charge of you so it sounds like all you can do is wait for her.

    I am very accident prone. I have very weak ankles and wrists. (Years later we learned it is due to a painful bladder disorder I have which has many over lapping issues). I was always getting hurt as a kid/teen so my parents got to where they ignored it after awhile. I'd usually have to wait anywhere from a few days to at times a week or two till I finally saw a dr. I never had a broken bone, but once I did have a hairline break in my wrist. I almost laughed when I heard it because my parents were so sure it was nothing serious. lol

    What I have learned to do is after I hurt myself (I will sprain my ankle, wrist, knee or something about 5-8 times a year) is first ice it. This helps with swelling. So get an ice pack or something cold to wrap around the wrist. Use a thin towel to help it not BURN the skin. Keep it on for 20mins then off for 10 or so. Keep doing this.

    I have TONS of wrist splints, ankle wraps and knee braces. So I always put on one of these after I hurt it and I've iced it. This helps it not move to much and helps with the pain. So you may want to put like an ACE bandage around it if you have one. Don't wrap it to tight or the blood will not be able to get to your hand. Also it can make it swell more.

    As your mom for some Tylonal or Advil. Advil is great for swelling but and upset the stomach plus I think you need to be a certain age to take it.

    When you go to sleep prop up your wrist on a pillow. This will be uncomfortable but will help with pain. Lay a pill next to you and put your arm out to the side or above your head which ever way is comfy.

    In the morning have your mom look at it again and hopefully she'll be able to decide what is best to do.

    Also sprains can hurt A LOT more than a broken bone. I have had plenty and I've seen tons of orthopedics (bone doctors) who will tell you the same thing. A sprain is a pulled tendon which is the thing that attaches the muscle to the bone. A lot nerves there.  Believe me I know how it feels I will sprain something close to 8 times a year!

  13. They wont help you in the emergency room if the injury happened more than a certain amount of time ago.

    I'm surprised you're typing, but you should go now.  Don't put it off.  It will take a toll on your body

  14. u should go if it hurts that bad and it is turning colors

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