
How long should you be with a person until you decide to get married?

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Or does the time matter more than the feelings do...?




  1. Eveything is important when deciding, the length you`ve been together plus your feelings. What a long time does is you get to experience more learning more from each other. The more experiences you have with the person, the better. However, for one couple one year is enough and for another 5 years is best. It all depends on the relationship that you have. I know of couples that barely fight and share many things in common and enjoy life and have fun all the time. These couples don`t need much time to realize they`re meant for each other. Other couples need more time to adjust to one another.

    But the time to get married should be discussed and both should agree on when and how to do it. The man will surprise the woman with a ring! But before this happens, they both should have discussed, yes we want to ge married.

  2. I always thought two years of dating and then an engagement was about right.  My fiance said he wouldn't think about proposing to a girl in less than 3 years, closer to 3 1/2.  Then again, I know people who have gotten engaged after knowing each other 3 days and it's worked out so far!!!  Craziness.  

  3. There's not a certain length of time it wait, just when you're both sure that you love each other and want to be together forever. Be sure that you're both committed and ready to work together through all problems.

  4. Everyone is different.  Some people take a long time to fall in love, others get that 'thunderbolt.'  

    My husband and I were together for three months.  We're neither of us religious, so one day we went to the city hall and got a license and we were married.  We've been together nearly six years and have two boys.

    You and your partner need to do what feels right for you.

  5. My boyfriend and I met when I was 16, he's 17. We discussed getting married when I graduated high school. He bought me an engagement ring and everything and then we realized that we were way too young. I'm about to turn 21 and we're still together, and we still talk about getting married and know the church, the date, and everything. But we're not technically engaged. We plan on buying a house together in 2 years and getting married 12/8/2012. We will have been together for 8 years. I'll be 24 and he'll be 26. It just depends on your relationship and your life. We both want to finish our undergrad degrees and get used to working full time jobs until we get married.

  6. time does matter.but whats essential is knowing the person and knowing u want to b with em forever. if not things can go wrong.

  7. I do not think time matters.  People have married after just meeting while young and stayed together until death of old age and others have been together 10 years before marrying only to divorce a year later.

  8. nobody should just happen when you and ur number one feel it is the right time

  9. Long enough to be sure you want to live with this person for the rest of your life. Seriously, beyond that it doesn't matter. For biological reasons I wanted to wait a while (physical infatuation on its own tends to dim after 12-18 months), but no matter what the situation it's all about the work you put into it. You can fall out of love at any time, so waiting 3 years isn't any better than waiting 1, or any worse than waiting 5.  

  10. As long as it takes for both of you to decide you are right for each other. For some couples, it's weeks, for others it may be months, yet for some people it could be years. The actual length of time is not what matters - what matters is how ready you both feel to be married to each other. How long this journey takes is unique to each couple, each individual.

  11. well im just a kid so what do i know ..... but some people wait till like 1yr ..... i say it dosent matter as long as your in LOVE  

  12. I think 2 years is a good time to judge if you want to spend the rest of your life with someone. It is hard to really know ones good and bad habits in any shorter time. Especially if you are planning a wedding. Than it is all about the wedding and not the important things .I waited 4 years and am glad I did.  

  13. You really should be seriously dating for a year and a half to two years.

  14. I don't think there is a designated "timeline". I have always kind of thought that if you can survive at least 2 years then you have a good chance of making it. They always say that the first 2 years of marriage are the hardest... so if you have a practice 2 year run... Also, if you are responsible and practical about it... I say you are good to go.

  15. untill such a time i feel fully confident to stand and make a promise an oath before god to spend your life with said person

    a lot of people these days dont take promises serious enough in my mind, if you aint 200 % that you can keep a promise, then do Not make it, i love my bf, we get greatly along, and we want to spend the rest of our life togheter, many places if someone had a relation like ours they'd be asked what are you waiting for

    we're waiting for that time we aint just 99.9 % sure its rigth but 110 % rigth, because its a very serious promise to make, and personaly one I couldnt make if i wasnt wholy convinced i was ready to stand for it tick and thin, it takes more then just a strong relation and love, it takes an ultra strong relationship...and you should spend time to test the relationship, go through a few hardships to make sure that your plans on how to deal with them really works.

    and if you aint religious, at least untill such a time that you are sure you know who the other are, know their quirks and are confident that you can live with them, as divorse is messy in most cases and a lot harder to do then geting wed.

  16. Everyone will probably have a different answer but my wife and I were engaged for 6 months.

  17. Until you know you are sure it's right.

    I was with an ex for three years, and even though I loved him with all my heart, thinking about marrying him made me queasy, uneasy, nervous. It never felt quite right.

    I kept thinking "If he stops doing this, and starts doing that... then it could work out".

    There was always something that needed to change.

    I also felt a lot like "If he does that when we are married, we are through!" (Over before it even started?)

    I was with my husband for a month and a half before we decided to get married. We got married three days later. This saturday, (8/16) is our 1 year anniversary!!! I'm so excited! I got lucky to find the right guy, and not make the mistake of "settling" for the wrong one.

  18.     thats really up to you and whoever your with....but make sure you know who your marrying...coz thats a life altering decision...marrying is easy...staying married is harder...

  19. this is different for every couple. my ex-fiance and I were together for 2 1/2 years before he proposed.... I thought I was ready, but after 4 months of having that ring on my finger, things went way south.

    It depends on age as well. you have to make sure you've fulfilled some of your personal accomplishments you want to in life, so you can give yourself fully to another person.

    If you're looking for a age..I say at least 30 for men and at least 25 for women.  The frontal lobe (reasoning portion) of the brain fully develops around 23-24 years of age.

  20. I would recommend at least a year.

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