
How long should you date before marriage......?

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How long should you date before marriage......?




  1. However long it takes for you to feel like you could be happy waking up next to this person for the rest of your life. Don't put a timeline on your feelings, when you're ready, you'll know, don't rush it. Good Luck!

  2. lol there is no certain amount of time! lol. You get married when you thin the times right ignore what others think, do what makes you happy and do what you thinks right :)

    Good Luck :)  

  3. At least one year.

  4. It depends entirely on the individuals. How mature are they? Have they been in serious relationships before? Are they both ready for commitment? Have they discussed having children yet, and are they in agreement about whether or not to have kids and how many to have? Are they sure that they are compatible? Are they willing to do whatever it takes to make a relationship work? Do they really want to be with each other for the rest of their lives? Are they in love?

    These are just a few questions that come to mind. I think that the time you date is pretty inconsequential, because there is a lot more to it than that. Some people may date for a year and decide they know each other well and are ready to take the step. Others may date for 5 years and end up parting ways. A very spontaneous couple may decide to marry after several months and spend the rest of their lives happily together, while another who did the same may break up after a year. I think it is much more a matter of how compatible the people are. Do they have the same goals? Do they want to live in the same place? Do they both want to have kids (or are they both OK with not having any)? These are issues that break up marriages, so it's very important that they agree. But most importantly, they must love each other, want to spend their lives together, enjoy each other's company, get along well (if you're fighting all the time, marriage is not for you), and be willing to do what it takes to make a marriage work. If you're really in love and really sure that this is the right person for you, it should be something that you just know and trust, not something that needs a certain amount of time to validate.

    I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years and we adore each other and love each other. We know that we want to have kids. We've talked about different cities each of us would like to live in. We live together now so we know that we're compatible and get along together. We plan to get married, but we aren't quite ready to take the step yet. We are very young and when I get married, I would like to have enough money to be able to go on a nice honeymoon and have a nice dress. It's not important to me to have a big wedding, but I want it to be special and nice. So those are other considerations....  

  5. as long as it takes to know a person well enough for marraige!

  6. I would say as long as it takes for u to realize that yur ready to accept the other persons habits, and qualities whether bad or good. And that u can give up thinking about yurself, and think about them. So as long as it takes to figure out u want to be with this one person for the rest of yur life, til death do u part. So I can't say a year, or a month or whatever.......Cuz it is up to how long it takes for u to feel ready to get married. This is what I think. Hope I've helped u.

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