
How long should you feed a puppy wet food?

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he is 5 months old and I just worry about the hard kibble hurting his teeth




  1. only for about the first three month then move to dry food. other wise they get addicted!

  2. 3  to 5 weeks after weaning. slowly decrease the water. In the case he gets a diarrhea increase the water in the food becayse he is dehydrated then

    Good luck with your new puppy

  3. My family just recently got a puppy our self, and when he got home, he wouldn't eat any dry food. This was about four weeks ago (he's apx. 10 or 12 weeks old.) Truthfully though, the situation is different with every puppy, depending if the dog was weaned or not... Feeding your puppy wet food for the first couple weeks shouldn't hurt, and if you feel he should be eating dry food already, feel free to start mixing wet and dry food together. My family has done this and my puppy  has already started eating dry food alone. Just put some wet food on a plate/ bowl, mix in a bit of dry food, more everyday, and soon the puppy should be eating dry food easily. Another tip: Make sure he has most of his baby teeth in, so he can easily chew the food in his mouth

    Also, If he is having trouble eating the dry food, you can always wet it down for a while with milk or water. If you try this but are still concerned, talk to a vet :)

  4. The hard kibble is actually good for his teeth.  You can introduce the hard kibble from the age of 8 weeks old.  I usually start by sprinkling some of the dried on top of the soaked and then gradually phase out the mushy food.  They love to crunch on the kibble.

  5. puppy is how old? puppys that are over 8 weeks eat dry food, and wet only sometimes

  6. you should get him to eat dry food as soon as possible just b/c the longer hes on wet food the more accusotumed to it he becomes.

  7. My puppy is only 6-8 weeks and she eats dry because the pound told us this is best for her and her teeths.

    It depends on the dog, I'd start feeding dry as soon as he's weaned!

    And don't worry, it won't hurt his teeth.

    Animals mature fast than humans remember.

    So his teeth will be strong already

  8. At weaning (about 8 weeks) it's perfectly fine to eat dry kibble, it will not hurt their teeth, and it's better for them dentally.  

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