
How long should you have a tattoo before going on holiday?

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I'm going away in 5 weeks! And I want my tattoo done very soon. And I'm wondering if it's too short a time period to get a tattoo done before I go on holiday or if it will be alright.

Will it be alright or am I better off leaving it untill I come back?




  1. 5 weeks seems like a long time, but wait until you come back from your vacation. Tattoos are wounds that need to heal. If you're stressed out from traveling or very busy, you might not be able to care for your tattoo as well as you should! Not to mention that if you're going to be exposing yourself to the sun on your vacation, your new tattoo can quickly fade or become irritated. Good luck!

  2. Get it now if you want it to be healed before you go. It'll be cutting it close. But you should be fine.

    Be sure to put lots of sun block on it when you leave! :P

  3. what does holiday have to do with it? Just do it

    You can protect it easily and it does not take a lot of time to heal

  4. Depends on where and how big it will be but I reckon a month is OK for most tats as long as you protect it from the sun.

  5. I got a back piece done and 3 weeks later fell asleep on my stomach on a boat in Puerto Rico and it faded. It didn't fade much but it was enough to matter, and I had to spend more money to get it touched up.

    I also believe that this fading would have happened even if I went to Puerto Rico 2 months after. Just keep it covered at all times!! A tattoo will fade in the sun no matter how old it is. Also- Be sure to use plenty of sunblock on it.

  6. 5 weeks is plenty of time to get a tattoo and have it heal, as longs as its not a full sleeve or full back piece or something..

  7. I would say it takes at least 4 weeks to heal up, so if you are gonna do it, do it now.  Keep it covered in the sun as well.

  8. its a tattoo once the ink is injected into your skin its going to stay going on vacation isn't going to affect the tattoo. it is always recommended that once you get your tattoo don't shower for the first 24 hours so to not irritate the skin, and to avoid tanning beds and long periods out in the sun so to not fade the tattoo as fast. if you get your tattoo done today or even the day before you leave it wont matter the healing process and scabbing will be the same either way, if you don't want the scabbing to be noticed while on vacation then get it done sooner so it heals up, or just wait till you get back  

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