
How long should you keep mascara for? ?

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I don't use or wear make up often, just sometimes. I heard that mascara will start to clump more the older it is. I was wondering what the general rule is for when I should throw out mascara




  1. Mascara generally lasts several months. It will still work the same and go on smoothly even if you rarely use it. So long as you close the lid very tightly after using it everytime.  This should preserve your mascara for a god while. Now if the mascara happens to be a couple of years old that's a different story and I would strongly suggest to go buy yourself some new mascara for better results :]  

  2. 3 months is normally when u want to change it - just like when u buy a new tooth brush every 3 months (well suppose to) buy a new mascara then.

    if u end up using it when its getting on a bit, it can damage ur lashes, u cud push to changing it every 4 months

  3. listed to the first one...and the other ones that seem similar...because they're all right!

  4. 3 months from the time you open it, no matter how often it's used.  Some dry out or clump sooner than that, 3 mos is a general rule to prevent bacteria from growing and potentially giving you an eye infection.  To keep it from clumping, close the lid tightly and never "pump" the mascara wand, it lets in too much air and dries it out.  

  5. eyes have a lot of bacteria and so u should replace any eye make up every 3-5 months. it wont kill u if u wait longer, its just better...

  6. probably like 2 months or something.

  7. you should keep it for about 3 months once you have opened it x

  8. I saw this on Fox news. Scientists say you're not supposed to keep your make up any longer than 2 years. It will build bacteria, and once it gets on your face, you can get acne easier.

    And make sure to wash your make up brushes at least once a week. Use shampoo or dishwasher detergent (like Dawn, Joy, or Palmolive.) After that, rinse it under room temperature water.

  9. only a few months. it wont hurt you if you keep it longer but it will start to get old 3-6 months after opening it. or you can just trash it if it is clumping.

  10. THREE months! Mascara is a breeding ground of bacteria. Pink eye is not attractive!

  11. well if you havent finished it already, 5 months is the longest you should keep any form of makeup because bacteria grows and it starts to smell and...haha yea its gross =]

  12. Three months no matter what. You can get a serious eye infection if you continue to use mascara longer than that. Same goes for all your makeup. I use the three month rule as a good excuse to go out and splurge on a whole new makeup closet!

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