
How long should you wait to drink alcohol after taking a pain killer

by Guest58026  |  earlier

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How long should you wait to drink alcohol after taking a pain killer




  1. as long as you dont take them with alcohol at the same time you should be fine to take it after a while, about an hour or so. just be careful cuz it might knock ya out

  2. depends if you're looking to get f'd up or what . if you're just taking one say a 5mg of vic or perc. then theres no wait you'll be fine. if youre taking high mg of oxy or roxycotin u might want to hold off. this is if you have no tolerance. havent ate anything in a while. drink til you feel great and leave it at that. if you have no tolerance i would wait til you feel the opiates effect first. go from there. you wont die or anything. be aware pain killers mixed with alcohol can lead to things like bleeding of the liver or stomach one of the two or both. but dont worry unless youre doing it everyday.  

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