
How long should you wait to have a tummy tuck after pregnancy?

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Oviously as soon as I'm done having children! lol. I did mean more along the months after.

Anyway Going to choose best answer tommorow can't decide between 2.




  1. have you  tried diet and excercise? sure a doctor could answer this for you....

  2. Until you're done having children.

  3. I checked into this myself and the advice I got from a specialist was, at least one year (some recommend longer) to get your body back to pre pregnancy shape, in that year try and diet and exercise and get your body in good shape.  The advice was also to make sure you don't want anymore children because then your stomach will just stretch out again and the procedure might be worthless.  I was also told that having this procedure wasn't maintenance free and I would have to diet and exercise to maintain it if I want it to last.

    Good luck!

  4. Try using post birth panty every minute of your day for 2-3 months and notice the change yourself.  You may feel slightly awkward initially but the results are superb...I’ve myself tried this after my twins and in no time I was in my pre pregnancy outfits.

    Try from; they were selling for 10 bugs.

  5. I know this isn't the answer you're looking for, but I wouldn't consider having that done.  There are risks to all cosmetic procedures, and I wouldn't think of taking such a risk if I had a baby.

    The world is full of people who diet and exercise their way back to shape - no matter how many people will tell you "there's no way that can happen without help".  Not long ago I read something by a fitness guy, and he noted how "no concentration camp victims ever had loose skin" after losing weight from starvation.  He talked about how that "loose skin" is really just the final layer of extra fat that stays around even after a lot of weight has been lost.  

    Then there's the matter of muscle tone - and muscles can always be toned up.  It takes a lot of work and commitment, but the right healthy diet and fitness program will benefit you in more ways than just firming up - rather than putting you at risk.

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