
How long should you wait to seek medical help with getting pregnant ?

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I had a m/c in the beg on june just had my second cycle but im not pregnant .b4 m/c it took us a little less than six months and im concerned its taking to long .what is the average time it takes to become pregnant after a miscariage




  1. I've read others' experiences and a few have gotten pregnant not to long after a MC.  

    The doctor I had seen had her own personal experience with difficulties conceiving.  She suggested that I see a fertility clinic if I can't conceive after 6 months of trying

    I'm on my 3rd month now.  Best wishes!!!  

  2. what?? When you have a miscarriage, you can immediately become pregnant, during your next sexualexperience.  

  3. it can take as long as a year ..since it took you six months before I would expect it to take longer now ..

  4. Sorry about the m/c. It sounds like you have regular cycles, which is great! Have you ever heard of a basal body temperature? Basically you take your temperature every morning before you get up and it helps you to track when your ovulating. This can give you an advantage of knowing when you are ovulating.

    Do your best to relax and find a new hobby to do together. After my husband and decided we would have a third child, it took 3 years to get pregnant. It's not a matter of patience, but just relaxing, keep the dialog open, be optimistic and don't expect him to be as deeply in tune as you are. Best wishes! :)

  5. My friends doctor told her to wait one year before seeking medical help. Seems very long--I know.

  6. I'm not sure about the average time after b/c. But, for many women, it can take up to a year of trying to have a baby. So, I don't think you should be too worried unless you've been trying for a year.

    Also, it might be good to see your OB for a pre-conception appointment (i think that's what it's called). When you go, you can ask all your questions. It may even be helpful because you wouldn't be so stressed out about conceiving, which in turn will make it easier for you to start baking that little bun.

    Good luck!

  7. I have fertility probs and from everything I heard and read, you should wait 3-6 months after a miscarriage to try again and if it takes more than a year (if you're under 35, 6 months if your older) then talk to your dr.

  8. you sound normal..i had 2 m/c before i had my oldest daughter.. we tried altogether over a year... just be patient and go ahead and make sure you take prenatal vitamins...

  9. if you are under 30, you should seek medical help if you cannot conceive for a year...for older ladies half a year

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