
How long should you wait to tell your kids that you are expecting another baby?

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I am 22 wks pregnant and as soon as I found out that i was pregnant I told my son who is six yrs old. Everyday He ask me when will that baby arrive? He wines all day about how christmas is to long to wait I was just wondering what can I do to calm him down because it's getting totally annoying?




  1. if it were me(which i am not )  i guess i would tell my son as soon as 12weeks  so i know i am past the danger stage  

  2. I was eight when my brother was born. My mom had a calender that was counting down to the due date and on every day was something that I had to do to help get ready for the baby. Simple things like finding one of my toys that I was to big for to save for the baby or thinking of one thing that I would want to do with the baby once he was born. It kept me occupied and I never had to ask how many days were left.

  3. I waited till i was 15 weeks before i told any of my kids that another baby was on the way. Is what I did with the older kids we got a calendar and marked each month that passed and coloured the month that the baby was due, you can do the same with christmas too! good luck!

  4. Maybe you could find a site online (like babycenter) that tracks the baby's development week by week, and it will also give you a countdown.  Mark the due date on your calendar, and then show your son the baby's progress on the website, so he can get an idea of what the baby looks like now, as well as how much further you still have to go.

  5. i waited till i started to show, my daughter was 4 at the time and yes we went through the when is it goin to come stage...i gotta book on how babies develope inside and each month we looked at what was forming and how much longer we had until the baby came.

  6. just let him know that the baby needs to grow and it takes a long time to make a healthy baby so if he wants his sister/brother to come out okay then he needs to be pateint. and he will have plenty of time with them when he/she is born :)

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