
How long the Oxygen will last?

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i mean which year we will not be able to find o2 in the air or at clean not poluted one?




  1. as long as there are trees

    there will be oxygen.

  2. The oxegen in the air is constatly being recycled.

  3. if you're dead, who cares if there's any oxygen!!!

  4. What D2G said. We're not in danger of running out of oxygen.

  5. Oxygen will last as long as bacterial organisms are alive.  The oceans are alive with organisms that produce oxygen.  The atmosphere is currently made up of 19% oxygen by volume.  In comparison, carbon dioxide (CO2) makes up only 380 parts per million by volume (0.0380%).  In other words, we have a lot more oxygen than CO2.  Global warming is caused by the increase of this small percentage of CO2.

  6. As long as plants are around there will be oxygen.

    Everyone should be aware of NASA's Clean Air Plant Study  to improve the home and work environments.

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