
How long til he gets in contact with me?

by  |  earlier

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how long does it usually take a guy to call his ex after the break up? in my case, we had been together for 1.5 years.. the reason for the break up is I think he felt too pressured for where we were in our relationship. instead of getting my own place I suggested that I could stay with him for like 3 months and move back to the city I had lived before. He doesn't want me to come back for him, but little does he know I am moving back and getting my own place. I wish I had never suggested it, and I told him that... but I just really miss him. I am 24 and he is 22. And it has only been 2 days. He said he loved me and I was his best friend.. I am crushed :(




  1. Give him some space.  Possibly, he needs to think things over.  Absence makes the heart grow fonder.  There is no statute of limitations on calls.  However, let him make the first move, particularly if he felt pressure.  If you call, it will probably push him farther away.

  2. Here's an IDEA you call him!

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